ServiceNow Integrations Simplified

ServiceNow is an incredibly powerful platform for driving digital transformation within businesses. By now the benefits are well established: more responsive IT operations, decreased downtime and reduced costs to name but a few.

However, the true potential of ServiceNow is unlocked when it works in tandem with other systems that are crucial to enterprises today. These integrations provide a single source of truth when exchanging data between different sources.

This is especially crucial when it comes to ticket exchange integrations, as they often contain mission-critical information. Clarity is key — having a clear overview of all your integrations on one intuitive platform is something managed service providers (MSPs) may find it difficult to live without.

But how can organisations gain this vital understanding of their integration landscape? At ShareLogic, we’ve dug deep into our years of expertise developing for the ServiceNow platform and created the answer ­— Unifi.

Unifi — Integrate anything

Unifi allows you to manage all your integrations in one place, intuitively grouped by process on an easy to understand dashboard. You can view transactions being sent and received instantly, meaning you’re never playing catch-up or caught unawares by a rogue ticket.  

Integrations are self-contained configuration stacks within Unifi. They’re easily customisable and give you peace of mind that only the integration you are working with will be affected by any changes.

These stacks can be copied and then modified — reducing development time and costs on any future integrations.

Failed transactions can be easily corrected and replayed so that no data is lost. And all the data is managed and sent from your ServiceNow instance, giving you peace of mind that your information is secure.

In the event something does go wrong, our revolutionary debugging and logging tools make isolating and fixing problems simple. Unifi takes away the need to do any labour intensive hunting through endless log files or searching through nodes for errors.

Crucially, Unifi is built to be the most robust and resilient integration solution around.  

So, no matter what your integration requirements are within ServiceNow, we’re sure that Unifi can rise to the challenge.

Unifi is the definitive pro-code integration platform for ServiceNow, trusted by MSPs and enterprises across the globe. Our easy to use application allows you to gain insight into how your integrations are operating.

Find out more about how Unifi can transform your integrations within ServiceNow.

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