Unifi 4.0 - Introducing Datasets

We recently celebrated ShareLogic turning 7 years old. Tim and I (James) founded the company in July 2015 and since then we've been on a rollercoaster ride of a journey with massive highs and extreme lows. Having said that, we've had one constant that's been with us since day one which was the entire reason we started the company in the first place: Unifi.

Back in 2015, we sought to solve one of the biggest challenges faced by almost every organisation we met: how to build and maintain ServiceNow eBonding integrations at scale. Almost anyone who has worked at all with ServiceNow knows how powerful the platform is and that standing up almost any kind of integration is almost trivial. However, eBonding integrations are a different beast entirely, requiring fundamental principals and practices not necessitated or learned when building other kinds of integrations. As we found out through years of personal experience, when these principles and practices are overlooked or forgotten, these integrations that worked fine in testing become black holes in production that swallow not only your data, but the time of your developers in debugging and maintaining them.

Compared to other solutions, Unifi has taken a radically different approach to integrations, focussing entirely on eBonding. We've always been totally up front about this, publicly stating to people we meet and demo to that Unifi is designed specifically for eBonding. And that was and still is one of Unifi's biggest strengths: it never tried to solve the problems outside the scope of eBonding. And because Unifi was designed and built from the ground up to only solve eBonding, it is very very good - we think the best - at what it does.

Having said all that, we do listen to our customers and we do know that syncing lots of data has been a complimentary challenge to eBonding for many of them, so we are extremely proud to now be able to say that you can use Unifi not only for eBonding, but also for bulk data transfer using our latest feature: Datasets.

Datasets solve the synchronisation issues with things like CMDB integrations and supporting data from users or groups within process integrations. Datasets can be configured for both inbound and outbound processing, and provide support for automatic chunking, scheduling, data limitations, automatic deltas, manual full sync, and much more.

Find out more about this release in the Unifi 4.0 Release Notes.

If you would like to talk to us about our newest features, suggest some new ones, or have a demo, please reach out because we'd love to hear from you.

The latest version of Unifi is 4.0.2, introducing the highly anticipated support for bulk data transfer along with lots of fixes and new features.

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