ShareLogic was founded 6 years ago with the aim of modernising the way eBonding integrations were managed on the ServiceNow platform. We used our decades worth of experience to build our own integration management app: Unifi.
Today marks the release of Unifi 3.0 which includes a substantial new feature, refreshed and modernised branding and many important updates and fixes. We are incredibly pleased to introduce Unifi Test Assistant, which we believe will revolutionise the way your integrations are regression tested.
Regression testing just got a whole lot easier

Platform upgrades, patch releases, and upgrades to Unifi should always be accompanied by a full set of regression tests. It might be okay to regression test one or two integrations manually, but when you manage many integrations, you inevitably have an enormous amount of regression testing for every platform modification. That’s why we set out to make this onerous task smarter and faster.
Unifi Test Assistant is without doubt the most complex feature we have ever developed. Testing end-to-end eBonding integrations using complex bidirectional and asynchronous messaging, queue management, retry and response handling, custom mappings, datasets, and more, gets very complicated very quickly.
Now, with just one click, you can generate an exportable Integration Test from a bonded record. The test will contain the entire sequence of transactions and requests and allow you to replicate the events in a matter of seconds in any instance. Even a simple Integration Test will contain hundreds of automated tests that will check everything from the request processing through to data mapping and even state and ownership control.
The Unifi Test Assistant also provides an easy-to-use interface for viewing and running tests across the Unifi platform. Dashboard metrics give at-a-glance insight into test coverage and results, and testers can easily access, run and view tests for any integration.
Integration documentation revamp

Not only are we delivering a major new feature, but we are also delighted to announce that the Unifi integration documentation generator has received an interface overhaul and upgrade, making it easier than ever to get all the details you need about your integration into an easy to view, printable format.
It might be minor, but we’ve also updated the brand colours and logo to better match the focus and ethos of both Unifi as a product and ShareLogic as a company.
Find out more
You can read more about the details of the latest release in our documented release notes.
Are you new to Unifi? Book a demo with us and we will be delighted to show you what Unifi can bring to your long-term integration strategy.